Sunday, April 27, 2008

Extend your wireless network... on the cheap

The camp I work at just subscribed to broadband internet (bringing us out of the dial-up ages) and we decided it'd be a nice gesture to hook up our site manager's house with internet too.

Problem: the camp manager's office in his house and our new internet access point are ~100 metres, 5 walls, and a few groves of trees apart.

Solution: create mesh network using 2 Linksys WRT-300n routers ($100 each) and Sveasoft's "Talisman" firmware ($25/year subscription)

It took a little wangling (had to return one of the routers because it didn't work properly), but I got it working. Plus, if I ever want to boost the signal... say... to my cabin, all I have to do is buy another router, install the firmware, place it between the access point and my cabin and I'll have internet access.

I love it when things just work! If anyone out there needs help making their own extended network using Talisman, I am happy to help. Let me know in the comments!

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