Thursday, June 26, 2008

iChat Video

For those readers out there who are using a Mac, I hope you are using iChat. Long ago I got tired of all the junk MSN had to offer and since I started using iChat I won't ever go back. However, I recently had been having problems getting a video chat going on my Macbook while I was at work on my iMac and my wife was on the Macbook. After some search around on the internet I learned some very great tips.

First is how to test your video to see if the problem is on your end of the connection. You can then test your connection with one of three little-known Apple iChat test buddies.

These are added using the + icon on iChat’s buddy list, keeping the Account type as AIM, and creating 3 separate buddies by entering one name at a time into the Account name: field, hitting the Add button, and repeating that process until all 3 are added.

appleu3test03The next step is to click on the bright green camera icon next to one of these names, the first two of which run Apple commercials on non-stop loops (below), the third of which is supposed to mirror back your video to you. If one of the three names is grayed out, someone else is testing with it now, but if it’s bright green, you can connect and do a test right away. If it works and runs stable, your machine’s just fine and your connection is just fine. If it connects but runs sluggish, your Internet connection is probably to blame if you’re not running any other programs and using a recent (G5 or Intel) Mac.

What I discovered after this process was that my internet connection was fine and even my router settings were fine. (That's another whole topic) Then I discovered a simple setting that can cause iChat video to not work. You need to make sure that under the Sharing Preference Pane in System Preferences that the Internet Sharing box is unchecked. Once I unchecked the box iChat video was up and running as usual. I guess I must have turned it on for some reason.

Happy Chatting!
If you are on ichat.... look me up dgrunau AT mac DOT com


Jared said...

What if you are not using AIM? I'm using Jabber through iChat. Does it still work?

Greg said...

Jared, as far as I know, Jabber through iChat is text only.

Jared said...

That's what I thought. Too bad.
BTW, love the site! You nerds rock the free world!

Greg said...

Update: You can GTalk on an iPhone or iPod Touch through a web browser:

Greg said...

Alright, the linkage didn't work. You'll have to cut-and-paste: